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Clothed exercise cartoon

Clothed exercise cartoon

Having worked in the middle east some countries/schools do not allow photos or cartoons with womens shoulders and knees exposed. So I have cartoons/silhouette of different exercies with men and women with shoulders and knees covered Images include: burpees sit ups lunges inch worms plank push up star jump squats russian twists plank twists
Fitness Dice

Fitness Dice

These work outs can be printed out and attached to large foam dice. Different styles of workouts in a CrossFit style EMOM - every minute on the minute AMRAP - as many rounds/reps as possible YGIG - you go i go Tabata Circuit Stamina building Each side has a blank section where the TIME/ROUNDS can be written and altered depending on the age
Middle Distance - Formula 1

Middle Distance - Formula 1

Used during my athletics lessons to encourage pupils to work as a team and best divide up the distances. 1st team gains 3 house points/merits, 2nd team 2, 3rd team 1. Using an athletics track or similar marked out shape. Place a pit stop zone at the top - these can be completed at any time during an individual run or a team lap (use non participants to time) Teacher can chose the number of individual laps, half laps, team laps and pit stops depending the the age of the class. Place each team in different coloured bibs to ensure that there is only ever 1 runner on the track (unless on a team lap), can also use a relay baton to indicate who is running. Team laps HAVE TO BE RAN TOGETHER - not the fastest sprinting off and leaving the others. - can give merits/house points to those that have planned well. Teachers can allocate groups to be even - this will ensure that groups finish around similar times and then allows the teams to divide who the ‘strongest’ runners to complete more full laps and the ‘slower’ runners more half laps. You will also need to set up a ‘change over zone’ where the baton is passed over - this will be best on a straight of the athletics track - also where pupils will be with clip boards scoring their total laps
Basketball referee card

Basketball referee card

Can be used for pupils that are not participating. Included hand signals for referees to uses Quick easy rules Point scoring system and areas of the basketball court
Hockey referee card

Hockey referee card

Can be used for those that are not participating or for pupils watching a hockey match to better understand the rules Includes referee hand signals Markings on the pitch Types of fouls
EYFS and KS1 mini games

EYFS and KS1 mini games

Mini games for EYFS and FS1 Designed to build spacial awareness and game sense. Skills can be interchanged from kicking, dribbling and throwing and catching. Each sheets includes Aim of the game, equipment, layout and rules (if needed to be further explained) What’s the time Mr Wolf? Fast cars Move like a… Fruit salad Colour tag Foxes and chickens Rope leap Hopscotch Rob the nest Straddle ball Freeze and thaw Builders and bulldozers Balloon/mini volleyball Ball Chaser Fruit bowl Bombardment Across the river Funky chicken Bouncing balls Knocking bottle
Gymnastics - KS3 booklet

Gymnastics - KS3 booklet

This booklet pages can be printed out to be used in lessons or each page can be the center of a lesson plan Individual balances Partner balances Rotations Flight (squat on and straddle through vault) Compositional concepts
Gymnastics - KS1 booklet

Gymnastics - KS1 booklet

This booklet pages can be printed out to be used in lessons or each page can be the center of a lesson plan Action word Ways to travel Alphabet shapes Individual balances Jumps Rock and rolls Rolls Equipment Keywords